The Novice Novelist

The voice of a soul on a mission to bring literary ideas into society.

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Location: Galveston, Texas, United States

I'm a person who is looking for an outlet and purpose. I'm trying to break into the world of publishing and media.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Colds into Cash

When I get sick, I normally feel like doing nothing but sleeping and watching television. Since living in the exile that I call this place, I am unable to do either. I have been suffering from a cold this past 5 days, so my updates on this site are a little slow. However, my will to write has been enhanced to a surprising degree.

Since I am being forced to live with someone I would rather not reside with, I have been forced to spend much of my spare time either in the lounge or in the local library. I have discovered that the worse I feel, the more active my imagination becomes. Yesterday, I was suffering from frustration and isolation. Once I was able to calm my nerves and actually eat (which had been more than 8 hours inbetween meals), I was able to create a whole new set of ideas for a series I plan on writing possibly during or after my current project is finished.

I am unable to move out of this wretched place since I live under the tyranny of this strict education structure. Unlike most people who can simply buy/find a new place to stay within their regions, the people in charge of this place only look at me with their fake smiles and say "Just pray about it and hang in there."

I am currently working on Chapter 8 of the novel and it is growing ever more climatic. I hope I recover from this illness soon so I can actually perform well within my other activities and finish my MLK project tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have been working on editing a couple of chapters of my novel. I am also searching for a computer graphics artist that can help me make a cover for my novel. I have the basic idea for what I want the cover to look like, but I am not as artistic when it comes to computer-generated images. I will be very greatful to whoever decides to take on the task and I will list you (actual name, user name, or pen name) in my acknowledgement page.

There is a magazine that I have found interesting called "The Writer". This magazine has helpful tips for people interested in writing. If you are able to find a copy in your library, then I do suggest reading it.

I have been developing my talent for giving love advice. I had incidentally stumbled upon a single male friend of mine that a female friend had a crush on. It turns out that he is interested in meeting with her and she is considering the offer. Not to mention I have other individuals who have asked me for advice in the past. I believe that the statement of "if you can't do...teach" is true in the case of me and dating. However, it is sort of a blessing since I can focus more time on my novel.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sample Chapter

I have finally loaded a sample chapter onto my site and I am currently editing the site to include more pictures and possibly more animation once I am able to fix the HTML errors from one of the sites that I am receiving information from. I hope everyone had a very nice holiday, but for some of us this time of the year is rather unfortunate because we must return to our jobs and our schooling. To those who have to return to the stresses of life I wish you the best of luck.

I am currently learning choreography and have received news that I am to work the early shift at my job. However, this gives me more time to work on my novel since I do not have to worry about the person I am staying with interrupting me in the afternoons to the same degree as they did last year. I am still brainwashing ways of making Chapter Seven more interesting, but once I figure out how I will continue onward with the writing and I will hopefully have a good story to share with you.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, New Chance

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."--Jules de Gautier

With every new year comes another chance for renewal of the mind, body, and spirit. I am washing away the old and welcoming the new. I have created plans and have made a commitment to work on my main New Years Resolution: "To actually do something useful."

This year, I want to at least try to accomplish something. I want to open minds and give people the ability to use their imagination in order to gain a certain strength that they never thought they had.

I am currently working on many projects, but my main project at the moment is a fantasy novel that involves the Navajo beliefs of Astral Projection and skinwalkers. This novel will be written in first person since I want to invite the reader into the mind of one of the greatest least, that's what Trevor Gordon thinks. I am currently on Chapter Seven and I am trying a radical way of writing novels. I have a basic outline of what I want the novel to be about, but the specifics within the novel are imprompted.

My goal is to entertain, inform, and inspire people into thinking outside of the box and realize that there are obstacles, but it can never hurt to try (unless it involves jumping a motorcycle over a pit of starving tigers while blindfolded). There are a tremendous amount of barriers in my way, and the odds are set against me, but trying to inspire a generation is worth the risk.

May this be a start of a productive and inspiring year.