The Novice Novelist

The voice of a soul on a mission to bring literary ideas into society.

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Location: Galveston, Texas, United States

I'm a person who is looking for an outlet and purpose. I'm trying to break into the world of publishing and media.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Past Project Revisited

"The future is the past returning through another gate."--Arnold H. Glasgow

For my poetry book, I have looked back at many of the poems I've written in the past and realized that a lot of them are not as good as I had hoped. Most of the time, when I look back at past writings, I will wonder to myself how I ever thought I could write. However, last night I was so motivated by a new series book that I have been reading by my favorite author that I decided to look over one of my very first novels (the first book I've ever written and finished) to see how much I can rewrite of it.

To my shock, I read over it and realized that it needed very little editing. In fact, considering the point-of-view was from a 14 year old, I realized that this was looking very good...possibly better than my more recent novels. The thing about my novels is this: the novels that I prefer to write are first person. This worries me since most people I know only read third person and they might criticize the grammar even though the grammar is more first person (how we talk and think). How I blog rather than how I would write an essay or an article.

People have been impressed that I put a lot of work into my novels and poems. It might be pointless, but I think that if there's no harm in trying, then you should go for it. As long as you have back-up plans, then go for your dreams and make sure to keep that safety net under you. You should never do something as risky as risking your future on a gamble. Granted, there are some great rewards, but people who normally do that end up falling and landing so hard that they can barely get back on their feet.

I'm going to start working on a series bible. It's something you do in order to keep track of you characters, the plots, etc. so you won't do anything that will conflict with the story. Midterms are beginning in a week and my major, for some strange reason, loves to give midterms and papers rather than one or the other. It's ironic since it's suppose to deal with speech. However, with an extra hour 3 days a week, I hope to dedicate more time to my studies and my projects.


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