The Novice Novelist

The voice of a soul on a mission to bring literary ideas into society.

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Location: Galveston, Texas, United States

I'm a person who is looking for an outlet and purpose. I'm trying to break into the world of publishing and media.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Radio Show 2

"Welcome back, you are listening to 'Mindy at Midnight' and I hope you enjoyed listening to the Howltons. I know, it lasted a few songs but who doesn't love their mix of alternative rock and blues? It's currently 12:30 and I'll be taking your calls and e-mails."

My separate phone line began to ring. I plugged Cathy from Seattle through and she wanted to thank me personally for debunking the recent sighting of Bigfoot. She seems to be afraid of such creatures.

My second phone call came from a leader of Scientology. He was less than thrilled about my show last week where I called their society a "cult".

"Scientology is a genuine path to enlightenment and we will not stand for your slander! We have fought like many other religions in the past in order to gain recognition by the government of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We will not stand by and watch as your close-mindedly defile our belief structure!" Flannery from Florida argued.

"First of all, it's not slander it's libel. Secondly, I live within the United States and just because the government approves of it doesn't mean it's right. However, if you want me to be open-minded then please tell me why your religion encourages 'disconnection' from families that disapprove of a follower's chosen path. Shouldn't you be preaching forgiveness like other religions?" I replied.

"We do, but..."

"Better yet, why is it that your religion needs bodyguards, lawyers, frivolous lawsuits, and constant spies that keep an eye on everyone who disagrees with your religion? Don't you have enough faith in your deity--who was created by a washed-up sci-fi writer--that it will protect your religion from scrutiny? Because I can name a ton of religions who have faced similar problems and none of them have tried to spread negative propaganda about innocent people enacting their first amendment rights. Also, why would a religion need to spy on people?


"No! Until your people straighten up and not act like Nazi's I will not back down. Thank you for your phone call, sir."

I cut the connection and moved on to the next caller. I probably shouldn't have yelled at him, but sometimes stupidity can be so loud that you have to shout over it in order to get the message across. I'm all for freedom of religion, but there's a difference in my book between worshiping a deity and giving money to a cult created by a guy who couldn't sell science fiction.

"Okay, thank you for your calls ladies and gentlemen. We are almost out of time so I'll see you back on the air tomorrow. Same time, same place. Goodnight!" I ended the show.

I decided to read over some of the e-mails that I received. I don't know why, but I received the strangest feeling about an e-mail addressed "You're In Danger". Of course, I've become used to death threats, viruses, and the occasional "enlarge your organ" e-mails, but this one seemed to interest me.

I loaded my additional anti-virus software and opened the message. The sender didn't list a name, but I read the message anyway:

I don't have much time. They're tracking me, but you have to listen to me. You're in danger. You need to leave right now. Please, do not ignore this message. Your life, and the life of the one you love, are in grave danger. Leave now!
Agent Padfoot

I knew it was stupid, but I needed to express my thoughts. I opened a new file and wrote a response I knew I would never send:

I don't have much time. I have an actual life and I don't sit around sending fake e-mails and pretend that I'm a rather ungroomed fictional character. However, I do applaud you on not pretending to be Dumbledore. Please, ignore the urge to send me any more ridiculous e-mails or I will be forced to call the police. As you may know from my radio show, I have close ties with the FBI and they are always looking for new terrorists at home.
With love,


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