The Novice Novelist

The voice of a soul on a mission to bring literary ideas into society.

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Location: Galveston, Texas, United States

I'm a person who is looking for an outlet and purpose. I'm trying to break into the world of publishing and media.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Invisible Voice

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."--Henry David Thoreau

Due to the lack of resources, I am going to postpone my poetry book "Love Vs. Anti-Love". However, if I can figure out a way to develop a book cover or find someone that can, I will publish my latest set of poetry that I am currently calling "The Invisible Voice". It's a metaphorical title symbolizing the first publishing from an author.

I'm planning on submitting a couple of transcripts to a couple of local newspapers and maybe ask a professor to read over some of the poems so I can gather some quotes and use them as advertising. If I gather enough reviews, I might submit a copy to the local PBS station to gather some more publicity. Also, gathering quotes is good b/c if they do specify that your poems are not that great, then you won't have to spend $34.99 on listing your work on

I have a couple of examples of my work on my website and I will update the site to include the new poetry book. I have received many favorable comments from classes and I do have a couple of connections in the literary world. I don't believe that it will receive a lot of press, but it's worth a try right? After all, how many famous poets and authors do you know of that have never tried and have ended up with published works before they died?

I have finally made it over another wall of writer's block. I am slowly approaching the huge climax. Now, if I can just find some time...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Poetry Cover Completed

I have been currently working on my poetry book. The front cover design has been created, so now all I have to do is select the poems, write a narrative, and sign up for an account on a chosen self-publishing site and everything should be a go. I just need to decide on whether or not I have enough poems for the sections that I have created. I may end up writing more poems for the "Love" section since most of the time I write poems when I'm filled with an overabundance of emotion (which mostly relates to anger and sadness).

My novel is coming along quite well, but I need to get over another bump in the writer's block road. I have been looking into options for promoting my poetry and I have a few ideas already in mind. I hope this works out and doesn't fall flat on it's face.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Month Update

It has been a while since I've updated this journal, but I've had writer's block for a while. During the month my grandfather passed away. I have only met him once, but I always wanted the opportunity to meet him again. He had a great impact on my life. In fact, if not for him and my step-grandmother's gift of "Creative Writer", I don't know if I would have ever started my career in writing.

I had writer's block because I had a monster that I couldn't figure out what to do with. Not to mention my life had become rather busy near the end of January. However, I hope to at least get somewhere with some of my projects soon, since I'm beginning to approach a climatic part within the book.

One of the speakers for a project mentioned the novel I was working on and I had one person already wanting to know when it will be published. I'm hoping to publish it within a few months (since life became busier and sadder than I expected). I am debating about where to publish it, but I may have someone that can make a design for the title.